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 How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c

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How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c Empty
PostSubyek: How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c   How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2014 4:03 pm

Directly recover deleted Safari Bookmark from iPhone 5c

Description: Accidentally erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c and want to know how to restore them? iFonebox will help you to get them back easily.

How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c Recover-iphone-5c-safari-bookmarks

“I am a new user to apple products. I erased all the safari bookmark from my iPhone 5c. I thought I was simply removing from my screen view. How do I restore it ? Can I go to my phone carrier? ?at a loss, do not know how to proceed to get anything on my phone. Would appreciate advice...Thanks in advance..”

Erased some Safari Bookmark? Lost Safari Bookmark on iPhone in accidental deletion, crashed system, factory setting or any other kinds of unknown reasons? Want to restore them? If you have an iTunes backup, this is the simply action to help you recover your Safari Bookmark. If you don’t have a backup, what can you do? You can directly scan and restore erased Safari Bookmark with iFonebox.

iFonebox is an easy and superb iPhone Safari Bookmark recovery software, which could help iPhone users to recover erased Safari Bookmark and makes it possible to preview them on your computer.

Free download the trail version to have a try. We will take the Windows version as an example, If you are a Mac user, just download the Mac version, the recovery step is similar. Here we also give 30% off for 2014 Summer Holiday!

Directly recover deleted Safari Bookmark from iPhone 5c

Step 1: Choose “Recover from iOS device”

Install iFonebox on your computer and then launch it. Connect your iPhone 5c with your computer through USB cable. Then you will see the interface as follows.

How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c Iphone5c-main-interface-from-ios-device

Step 2: Start the scanning

iFonebox will automatically scan your iOS device after clicking the “Recover from iOS Device”. The scan time depends on the number of the database on your iOS devices. Just wait patiently until the software finish the scanning.

How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c Scanning-from-ios-device

Step 3: Preview and Restore Safari Bookmarks

When the scanning finished, all the data on your iPhone 5c will be displayed in categories on the interface. Click “Safari Bookmark” to preview all the history of your Safari Bookmark both deleted and exist. Choose the one you need and click “Recover” button on the top left of the interface to backup them on your computer.

How to restore erased Safari Bookmark on iPhone 5c Safari-bookmark-from-ios-device
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