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 How to play and edit AVI video on Mac OS X

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How to play and edit AVI video on Mac OS X Empty
PostSubyek: How to play and edit AVI video on Mac OS X   How to play and edit AVI video on Mac OS X Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 7:27 pm

Part 1: What is an AVI?

AVI, an acronym for Audio Video Interleave, is a multimedia container format. An AVI file can carry audio/visual data inside in almost any compression scheme, including: MPEG-4, XviD, DivX and others.

AVI files can contain both audio and video data in a file container that allows synchronous audio-with-video playback.


Part 2: How do I open AVI movies on Mac OS X?

AVI files can only be played back if the correct codecs are installed. Therefore, you may need to install additional codecs or codec packs to play certain AVI files. You can use programs like VideoInspector, GSpot, and MediaInfo to check which codecs an AVI file uses. Then you can search for the codecs online and download the ones you need. Most codecs are freely available and come with an installer that installs the codecs for whatever media player you choose.

Once the correct codecs are installed, you should be able to open and play the video files that previously would not open. Alternatively, you can try downloading and installing other media players, which may have the correct codecs included with them.

There are 2 programs at present that can open .avi files and both are open source and free to download. Many users prefer to keep both installed to provide compatibility with as many file formats as possible.

VLC Player is a cross platform application with a mac version available for download from the VLC website.

MPlayer has a simpler interface but fewer features. It is available from the MPlayer website.

Any remaining AVIs not compatible with the above two, should be able to be handled by Mac OS 9 QuickTime or QuickTime for Windows, each of which have the older versions of the Intel Indeo codec.

Windows Media Player 9 is an application developed by Microsoft for Mac OS X.

Part 3: How to play AVI files with AVI Converter for Mac on Mac OS X?

Step 1: Load .avi files to Video Converter for Mac
Download and run Mac AVI Video Converter, click button "Add" to load the AVI video files you want to convert from your Mac.

Step 2: Set the output format and location
Choose the output format from the drop-down list of profile "Format". Hit the button "Browse" to select the saving place from your Mac.

Step 3: Convert
After all setting are done, you can hit the "Convert" button to convert AVI to WMV, DIVX, MPG, MP4 or what you want.

If you want, you can convert AVI to MOV, convert AVI to MP4 on mac, convert AVI to 3GP on mac, convert AVI to DIVX on mac, convert AVI to WMV on mac, convert AVI to M4V on mac, import AVI to iMovie, import AVI to FCE, import AVI to FCP

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How to play and edit AVI video on Mac OS X
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