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 Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, Text and HTML on Mac

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Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, Text and HTML on Mac Empty
PostSubyek: Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, Text and HTML on Mac   Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, Text and HTML on Mac Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2014 6:33 pm

PDF Converter for Mac is a comprehensive PDF tool to help Mac users convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, Text and HTML. Mac users can choose any formats they need to convert to and all the conversion can be done within only one program.

PDF Converter for Mac offers many amazing features: Good Preservation; High Efficiency; Support encrypted PDF Files Conversion; Flexible Options and more.

With PDF Converter for Mac, you can Print restricted PDF files, Resize images of PDF files, Edit PDF files in Microsoft Office , Share PDF files on internet easily, Change contents in any existing PDF files, Modify typos and misspellings in PDF files, Calculate and edit data in Microsoft Excel, Read PDF eBooks on mobile devices, such as iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Sony reader and more, Extract the text, images, graphics, tables and hyperlinks for reusing in other applications, etc.

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Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, Text and HTML on Mac
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