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 Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter

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Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter Empty
PostSubyek: Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter   Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 2:55 pm

Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter

FINALLY. Following in Pinterest's footsteps, Twitter made an exciting announcement on Jun 18 2014: "You can now share and view animated GIFs on Twitter.com and on Twitter's iOS and Android apps". Before today, you had to upload GIFs via third-party apps but now you can upload gif to Twitter and view them directly on Twitter.

GIFs have been a popular addition in social networks of late. Pinterest rolled out GIF support in January, in August, it was widely reported that Facebook added GIF support before it was determined that the files were actually converted Flash files, so Twitter must follow the footsteps. For many reasons, actually. Adding animated GIFs to tweets opens up a new world of content marketing opportunities on Twitter.

Before upload gif to Twitter in order to share gif on Twitter with others, many of us want to get an own gif files which is special and unparalleled. So we need to make a gif by ourself instead of get one from the internet. Here we recommend you to free download the E-PDF Gif Maker to convert video to gif files, even convert YouTube online video to Gif in an easy way. If you think the video is funny and you can play it, you can convert it to gif and post gif on Twitter with the free download E-PDF Gif Maker.

Free download the E-PDF Gif Maker, you will find that it's not only a gif creator, it's also a Gif Editor, you can add text on Gif to make a small gif movie, and you also can delete your unneed gif frame and so on. Just free download the Video to Twitter Gif Converter and make animated gif in order to upload Gif to Twitter, then share gif on Twitter with others now!

Step by step tutorial to use Video to Twitter GIF Converter

Step 1: Play video
Free download, Install and run the Video to Twitter GIF app and then play your video either local video or online video (play local video with your video player).
Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter Youtube-to-gif-1
Step 2: Move and Resize Video to Twitter Gif Converter window
Move the Video to Twitter Gif window on your video and resize the window to proper size that you need.

Step 3: Click "start" button
When the video plays to the time that you want, just click the "start" button, and when you want to end, just click "stop" which instead "start".

Step 4: Create Gif
Click the "Create GIF" button to get your own gif picture and save it to your disc.

Step 5: Upload Gif to Twitter
At the end you just need to open Twitter and upload gif to Twitter and share gif on Twitter with others, so easy.

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Free download Gif Creator to upload gif to Twitter and play gif on Twitter
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