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 Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor

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Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor Empty
PostSubyek: Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor   Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 2:57 pm

Gif Maker- Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor

Gif Maker can convert video to gif animation file when you are watching online videos without download. Convert Video to Gif maybe a headache problem for many people who want to make video to animated gif when they found a funny part of the video online.
Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor Youtube-to-gif
Gif Maker has the smallest gif file size, the powerful Video to Gif Converter can confident that its created GIF file is smaller than other free online tools :-), with the Gif Maker you can convert YouTube video to gif just within several simple steps.

GIF Maker maybe the best and the most useful gif tools that can help you convert video to gif, edit exist gif like add text to gif, delete unwanted gif frames, add own watermark, change gif speed, record mouse action on desktop, etc. It supports such as YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, Facebook Video, Yahoo video, MSN Video, Google Video, Dailymotion, NICONICO, Metacafe, VEVO, Liveleak, etc. all online video sites, it just means if you can play, the Gif Maker can convert your video to gif, so powerful. Compared to other online free Gif Maker tools, this Gif Maker app never stop working or response slowly. So, just choose our Gif Maker now!

GIF Maker provides a handy means of creating and editing GIF animations. In just a few steps – record, edit, save – you can create a GIF animation. And the GIF Maker plays nice with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.

The following buttons are presented at the top of the application’s interface:
Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor Youtube-to-gif-1
Start/Stop – click this button to start recording whatever is underneath GIF Maker’s interface.

Edit – click this button to edit the recording. By the "edit" button the Gif Maker allows you to Cut Unwanted Frames, Create High Definition(HD) GIFs, Create GIF Movie with Subtitles, Add Texts on Existing GIF.

Create GIF – click this button and the recording will be turned into a GIF animation; you will then be presented with a preview window that allows you to check out the GIF, reduce the file's size, save it locally, upload it to imgur.com, or copy it to the clipboard.

More – play with various options, such as change capture speed, resize image, modify existing GIF, record mouse movements, add a custom watermark.

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Gif Maker - Make animated gif, Convert Video to gif, Gif Editor
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